Contact - OTOP

Polish Society for the Protection of Birds
(Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków)

ul. Odrowąża 24
05-270 Marki k. Warszawy

Phone: +48 512 232 931

+48 22 761 82 05
+48 22 188 50 81
fax: +48 22 761 90 51
e-mail: biuro(at)

Regional OTOP offices


Bank account for membership fees:

95 1090 1841 0000 0001 1457 9706

Bank account (exluding membership fees):

PL 72 1090 1841 0000 0001 1443 1516

Numer KRS: 0000015808

Numer NIP: 957-05-53-373

E-mail addresses for OTOP employees can be found here: Staff.

They are created according to the schema "".

Calling from another country than Poland, please add "0048" - common prefix for UE member- states and Polish area code. Above you can find contact with OTOP's headquarters (in Marki) and with regional offices in Pomerania (Pomorskie) and Podlasie (Podlaskie).

E-mail adresses of OTOP’s employees are created according to scheme: „name.surname(at)”.

Contact us

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    Adres email (wymagane)


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    Dodaj: 61 + = 68


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