The “Birds” (“Ptaki”) Quarterly - OTOP

The Polish Society for the Protection of Birds issues the “Ptaki” quarterly magazine, which is circulated among OTOP members.

The magazine is dedicated to the life of birds of Poland and of the world, bird habitats, the bird conservation schemes implemented by OTOP and broadly understood nature education.

The magazine contains information about bird species, the most interesting places where they can be spotted, trends in the numbers of common breeding birds, annual meetings of OTOP, as well as nature art and literature.

“Ptaki” also offers curiosities, a section for children “Pan Eustachy”, “Ptasie Abecadło” and several competitions.

At present, the “Ptaki” is read by about 2,500 enthusiasts interested in birds and wildlife.

If you wish to join the group of “Ptaki” readers, we encourage you to fill in a membership form and pay the annual fee of your choice. Continue reading in the section Become a member of OTOP.

Additional information on the “Ptaki” quarterly, advertisement and collaboration with authors of texts and photographs can be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief Elżbieta Okołów (elzbieta.okolow[at]


Last issue
