Legal interventions (2009-2011) - OTOP

Eco-interventions – enhancing the community’s involvement in the protection of Natura 2000 sites (2009-2011)

Between 2009-2011, the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds carried out the project “Ekointerwencje – zwiększanie zaangażowania społeczeństwa w ochronę obszarów Natura 2000” (Eco-interventions – enhancing the community’s involvement in the protection of Natura 2000 sites).

The strategic goal of the project was to improve the understanding of the principles of conservation of Natura 2000 sites and support the community protection of the sites by inhabitants and people living in functionally linked areas. Specifically, the project aimed at: expanding the knowledge on Natura 2000 sites, management principles and advantages, as well as enhancing acceptance of the sites by local citizens; participation of the public in decision-making on the environment and taking action when a threat or damage takes place; training on the legal basis and principles of Natura 2000 sites protection, and making the actions of environmental NGOs to be more professional. The project covered the whole Poland and was addressed to inhabitants of Natura 2000 sites and areas functionally associated with such sites.

It was an educational project and no specific legal intervention was taken. However, in case of serious threats for bird sites or destroying habitats in these sites, OTOP will provide advice on what to do and where to look for assistance. Publications written during the project will be useful here and are available in the section Download /in Polish/.

The project was co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, as part of the scheme Infrastructure and Environment, and by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
The total budget of the project: 716,255.88 zł





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