ViaBaltica (2002-2014) - OTOP
As early as in 2002 OTOP, concerned by the plans to construct the Via Baltica route in the special protection areas of European importance (IBAs), took action to protect them and promote transport solutions that would serve both people and nature. We have collaborated with WWF, Polska Zielona Sieć, Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot, SISKOM, Centrum Ochrony Mokradeł and other non-governmental organisations. Our actions were backed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in the UK (RSPB).

Our actions were supported by: the Polish Ombudsman, scientists, artists, journalists, thousands of people sensitive to the beauty of nature and not accepting its wanton destruction. Our position was shared by the European Commission, members of the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and many national and foreign organisations and institutions.

The aim of our campaign was to minimise the negative effect of the Via Baltica on bird special protection areas in the Podlasie region, and to make sure that nature conservation law is observed in the course of design and construction of the road. Our goals were:

- to ensure effective protection of Natura 2000 sites,
- to promote sustainable development in Podlasie,
- to minimise the negative effects of transit traffic for people and nature.

Our achievements:

- The Council of Ministers officially changed the course of the express road Via Baltica to the option recommended by the report from the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, which goes via Łomża and circumvents the most important nature areas in Podlasie.
- The course of the Augustów ring road was changed to go around the marshy Rospuda Valley and the Augustów Forest. Two additional variants of the ring road were put forward during Round Table for the Rospuda meetings, participated by OTOP.
- The previous decision on environmental requirements for the Augustów ring road laid on the unique mire in the Rospuda Valley was overruled by the District Administrative Court in Warsaw as contrary to rules or law. Two other administrative decisions on the ring road construction were also repealed. The arguments that we presented to the court were shared by the Polish Ombudsman.
- The action of NGOs in 2006 towards improvement of road traffic safety in Podlasie showed the first positive effects. The General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways drafted a long-term plan of safety improvement entitled "Drogi Zaufania" (Roads of Trust), in which the first one to analyse was the national road no. 8. Thanks to simple solutions, such as better marking of pedestrian crossings, reconstruction of junctions, building traffic islands for pedestrians between lanes, etc., which we appealed for taking any possible opportunity, in the Augustów section of road no. 8 the number of tragic accidents decreased significantly.
- The natural tranquillity of the Rospuda Valley was not broken by bulldozers!

28 April 2023

Networking Event: Migratory seabirds-friendly management of marine and/or coastal protected areas in the Baltic Sea Region

OTOP  BirdLife Poland kindly invites you to take part in the EU Biogeographical Process Networking Event: Migratory seabirds-friendly management of marine and/or coastal protected areas in […]
2 September 2022

Owadzie Lato 2022 | Wyniki konkursów

Po ciężkich obradach jury, nastał ten dzień, w którym poznamy laureatów konkursów Owadziego Lata 2022! Do konkursów zaprosiliśmy zespoły szkolne i rodzinne, w których uczestniczące dzieci […]
2 September 2022

Owadzie Lato 2022 | Wyniki konkursów

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4 October 2017

Trial & Error: The Battle for Białowieża

The last newsletter of BirdLife International brings us to The Białowieża Primeval Forest issue.  The Battle for Białowieża is continuing. Jarosław Krogulec, Head of Conservation (OTOP, […]
23 May 2017

European birds of conservation concern

BirdLife International releases the publication European birds of conservation concern: populations, trends and national responsibilities. This publication summarises the conservation status of 541 wild bird species […]

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