Other Conferences - OTOP

Other Conferences

Bellebaum J., Tanneberger F., Fartmann T., Just P., Helmecke A., Sadlik J. Trapped between nest loss and habitat loss – changing Aquatic warbler habitats at the Western edge of the breeding range. Poster 5th EOU conference in Strasbourg, Alsace, France 19 to 23 August 2005. (1.4 MB)

Fenchuk V. AW monitoring programme in Belarus 2006-2007: Designing the monitoring scheme and estimating national AW population. Conference, Lublin, Poland 2007. (2.9 MB)

Geissing B., Heidrich P., Leisler B., Wink M. Population genetic research of the Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) / Populationsgenetische Untersuchungen am Seggenrohsanger (Acrocephalus paludicola). [In German] 2004. (0.1 MB)

Helmecke A., Bellebaum J., Fischer S., Sadlik J. Uncertain future: Aquatic Warbler in Branderburg / Ungewisse Zukunft: Der Seggenrohrs?nger (Acrocephalus paludicola) in Brandenburg. [In German] Poster 135. Jahresversammlung der DO-G, M?nster, 2002.     (0.8 MB)

Malashevich U. Results of the AquaticWarbler monitoring in Belarus in 2010. [In Russian] Annual meeting for APB members, Minsk, Belarus 29th January 2011. (5.0 MB)

Tanneberger F. Sparrow of the mire: Global importance and German-Polish cooperation / Der “Spatz” der Moore: Weltweite Bedeutung und deutch-polnische Zusammenarbeit. [In German] 2007. (6.9 MB)

Tanneberger F., Joosten H., Flade M.  The West-Pomeranian population of the Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola): Habitat change and restoration potential.  Poster at the 24th International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, Germany 13 to 19 August 2006.     (3.8 MB)

Walther B. Modelling the winter distribution of Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola with GIS analyses. 2003. (0.4 MB)

Zhuravliov D. Aquatic Warbler ringing in Belarus. 7th Workshop of the SE European Bird Migration Network, Przebendowo, Poland 1 to 3 July 2005. (1.9 MB)
