Aquatic Warbler Conservation Team (AWCT) - OTOP

BirdLife International Aquatic Warbler Conservation Team (AWCT)

The Aquatic warbler is a globally threatened bird species. We would like to make you familiar with the Aquatic Warbler on this home page. We also would like to show you what we are doing for the conservation of the Aquatic Warbler.
7 maja 2021

Pomóż nam chronić wodniczkę i dołącz do Klubu Obrońców Wodniczki! | Patronite

Wodniczka jest najrzadszym i zarazem jedynym globalnie zagrożonym gatunkiem z rzędu wróblowych żyjącym w kontynentalnej części Europy. Jej światowa populacja w 2020 roku liczyła jedynie ok. […]
2 kwietnia 2021

„Source areas and stepping stones in Aquatic Warbler conservation” | Report from Symposium

On March 16 and 17, 2021, an international symposium Source areas and stepping stones in Aquatic Warbler conservation was held as part of the project Strengthening […]
2 kwietnia 2021

„Source areas and stepping stones in Aquatic Warbler conservation” | Relacja z Sympozjum

W dniach 16 i 17 marca 2021 r. odbyło się międzynarodowe sympozjum Source areas and stepping  stones in  Aquatic Warbler conservation w ramach projektu Wzmocnienie południowo-wschodniej […]
10 marca 2021

Source areas and stepping stones in Aquatic Warbler conservation | Zaproszenie na sympozjum

Zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych do udziału w międzynarodowym sympozjum „Source areas and stepping stones in Aquatic Warbler conservation”. Jest ono przygotowane w ramach projektu  „Wzmocnienie południowo-wschodniej metapopulacji […]
21 lipca 2020

Aquatic Warbler‘s population in Lithuania hits record high

Scientists recorded the record number of the rare bird species called Aquatic Warbler in Lithuania. The national monitoring revealed 316 individual birds, which counts up to […]
2 czerwca 2020

Aquatic Warbler conservation project among the bests in Europe

Today European Commission announced the finalists of Natura2000 awards and for the first time Lithuanian initiative – Aquatic Warbler conservation project – is among them. This […]
16 kwietnia 2020

Latest scientific research: Lithuanian and Belorusian Aquatic Warblers winter in Mali

The results of research that lasted for more than two years have revealed that Lithuanian and Belorusian Aquatic Warblers are wintering farther than expected – they […]
3 lutego 2020

New scientific research: translocation of Aquatic warblers might be more successful than was thought

DNA tests of Aquatic warblers, translocated from Belarus to Lithuania last year show that the number of males and females is more or less the same […]
15 lipca 2019

50 aquatic warbler nestlings are successfully released into the wild

This week, 50 aquatic warbler nestlings brought from Belarus and successfully raised by naturalists at the Žuvintas biosphere reserve, Lithuania were finally released. The birds are […]

The Aquatic warbler is a globally threatened bird species. We would like to make you familiar with the Aquatic Warbler on this home page. We also would like to show you what we are doing for the conservation of the Aquatic Warbler.


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