Aquatic Warbler International Congress - OTOP

Aquatic Warbler International Congress.

Palencia, Spain 18-20 August 2005.

Congress Programme.

Bargain B. Importance of the Gulf of Audierne (France) for postnuptial migration of the Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) / Importance de la baie d’Audierne (France) pour la migration postnuptiale du phragmite aquatique (Acrocephalus paludicola). [In French]  (0.9 MB)

Bargain B, Gélinaud G., Hardegen M. Habitat selection and requirements of the Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) during postnuptial migration / Sélection de l’habitat et domaine vital du phragmite aquatique (Acrocephalus paludicola) pendant la migration postnuptiale. [In French] (0.8 MB)

Fenchuk V., Lachmann L., Schäffer N., Walther B., Gutteridge G., Rahbek C. New data on the wintering range of the Aquatic Warbler in Africa. (0.2 MB)

Flade M., AWCT. Conservation status of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in Siberia. (15.1 MB)

Flade M., AWCT. Global status of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola. (0.9 MB)

Foundation Global Nature. Management of natural areas. The experience of the Foundation 2001 Global Nature / Gestión privada de espacios naturales. La experiencia de la Fundación 2001 Global Nature. [In Spanish] (9.8 MB)

Foundation Global Nature. Projects of the Foundation Global Nature on conservation of wetlands of Tierra de Campos / Proyectos de la Fundacion Global Nature en humedales de Tierra de Campos. [In Spanish] (5.2 MB)

Kerbiriou C., Bargain B. Study of the diet of Aquatic Warbler in the Gulf of Audierne / Approche du régime alimentaire du Phragmite aquatique en Baie d’Audierne. [In French]  (0.3 MB)

Kovács G., Végvári Z., Szilágyi A. Habitat selection and conservation of the Aquatic Warbler in Hungary. (1.5 MB)

Krogulec J. Aquatic warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) conservation status in Poland. (2.5 MB)

Lachmann L. “Conserving Aquatic Warbler in Poland and Germany” an EU LIFE Nature project of OTOP-BirdLife Poland. (1.4 MB)

Lobo L. Aquatic Warbler migration in Salburua wetlands (Alava) / La migracion del Carricerin Cejudo en Salburua (Alava). [In Spanish] (5.2 MB)

Miguélez D., Zumalacárregui C., Astiárraga H. Situation of the Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) in Leon province (NW Spain): first data on its phenology, stopover and problems of conservation. (2.0 MB)

Onrubia A., Torres M., Jubete F, Arroyo J.L., Bargain B. Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) strategy during postnuptial migration in Western Europe / Estrategia migratoria postnupcial del Carricerin Cejudo (Acrocephalus paludicola) en Europa Occidental. [In Spanish] (0.9 MB)

Poluda A. Aquatic Warbler conservation status in Ukraine. (0.8 MB)

Preiksa Z. Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola conservation status in Lithuania.       (1.8 MB)

Tanneberger F. The situation of the Aquatic Warbler in Germany and NW Poland. (3.3 MB)

Torres M., Jebete F., Zumalacerregui C. Migration of the Aqutic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) in lagune La Nava / Migracion del carricerin cejudo (Acrocephalus paludicola) en la laguna de La Nava. [In Spanish] (2.3 MB)

Zuazua P., Gomez E. Aquatic Warbler habitat selection in La Nava Wetland (SPA Nava-Campos): management approaches / Seleccion del habitat del Carricerin Cejudo en la laguna de La Nava: implicaciones en la gestion. [In Spanish] (2.6 MB)


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