1st Aquatic Warbler LIFE Best Practice Work Shop.
Biebrza National Park, Osowiec, Poland, 19-20 October 2006
Work Shop Programme.
Dyrcz A. Breeding ecology of the AW / Ekologia a system rozrodczy wodniczki. [Partly in Polish] (8.0 MB)
Dyrcz A. New findings in the biology of the AW. (0.2 MB)
Fenchuk V., Kozulin A. AW National Survey: Belarus 2006. (2.0 MB)
Grzywaczewski G., Cios S. AW numbers in Chelm Marshes, Poland / Liczebnosc wodniczki Acrocephalus paludicola na Chelmskich Torowiskach Weglanowych. [In Polish] (3.3 MB)
Kloskowski J. Monitoring methodology in AW LIFE project: implementation report and data from the year 2006 / Metodologia monitoringu w projekcie LIFE-wodniczka: sprawozdanie z realizacji i wyniki monitoringu w roku 2006. [In Polish] (0.9 MB)
Okruszko T., Szporak S. Aquatic Warbler HYDRO monitoring. (4.6 MB)
Pikunas K. AW in Poleski National Park, Poland: distribution, monitoring, numbers, conservation / Sytuacja wodniczki w Poleskim parku narodowym: obszar wystepowania, monitoring, liczebnosc, ochrona. [In Polish] (3.1 MB)
Poluda A. Ecologia 2010 – Restoration of water regime of the Pripiat river in Volyn region. (0.03 MB)
Tanneberger F. AW in Warta Mouth Nanional Park, Poland. (2.2 MB)
Tanneberger F. Database and GIS on AW distribution and numbers in Poland and Germany. (0.2 MB)
Tanneberger F. Planned Research on AW Song Behaviour. (0.1 MB)
Tanneberger F. Preliminary findings of the PhD research on AW habitat requirements in Western Pomerania. (5.0 MB)
Tanneberger F., Haferland J., Bellebaum J. AW in Lower Oder National Park, Germany. (0.6 MB)
Vergeychik L. Dynamics and breeding success of AW in key breeding sites in Belarus. (2.1 MB)